Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Creating A World-Class Sales Campaign

Recruiting a great sales team is essential to the success of any business, but great salespeople are not easy to find. You need sales leaders who are hungry enough to make 10 sales calls per week, diligent enough to write up detailed reports on each call, and mature enough to deliver on their promises. When you have to ask yourself, "Do I have the right sales person?," you don't. It's best to say goodbye and upgrade.

Vince Thompson, author of Ignited, wanted to make a change from television advertising sales to Internet sales when he left CBS. He quickly created a prospect list, sourced accounts, developed a team to support his efforts, and created rapport with the client services group. Every sales call with Vince was successful and fun, which is how sales works best. Here is his story.

As regional vice president for America Online Networks Sales and Solutions, Vince led teams responsible for selling millions of dollars per week in online media. Vince also built AOL's first sales training and leadership organization. "Figure out who your target customer is and go talk to them," he says. "Understand what their needs are, build a product to fit their needs, give them incredible service, be available to them, listen, and try to come up with a flexible approach that works and makes sense. The type of business will dictate the sales solution you need to put in place."

He advises entrepreneurs and sales professionals, "You should be able to tell your story in a couple of sentences. People should be able to understand quickly what you do, what it is you sell, and how it can benefit them. Customers listen to that. Tell a story about why you're in business, why you're doing what you're doing, how it solves problems for people. And practice telling that story so it becomes something that you're good at telling."

What is your unique selling proposition, the thing business schools call a USP? Maybe you're the market leader in innovation -- if you are, you can command any kind of price; or maybe you sell for less; or maybe you're solving somebody's unique problem. Your USP should set your business apart. You can differentiate on all kinds of levels -- sometimes it's on service. These days, you must make sure that your USP is tailored to each individual customer. So follow through, do your research, and understand your customer's needs. Success comes when you bring solutions that can help customers accomplish their goals.

After you have the pitch down, build revenue through constant activity. Stay up to date with the news, read press releases, go to networking events, and learn about the market and its players. Vince also suggests "discovery meetings" that may occur before the pitch. "I try to understand their business problem, what they're trying solve, where they're spending money -- do they need new sales, need to reposition their brand, need to prop their company up for a sale? Then I come up with a solution that does the most for them, if they're willing to buy. This is called a needs assessment. Have a list of questions and try to answer most of them before the meeting, so the valuable meeting time will focus on the things that matter most. Follow up with a sales proposal. The prospect may need to build consensus and work with other people prior to buying, so you write to that." Vince helps companies sell the proposal internally, understanding there may be a number of decision makers.

When building a sales organization, "You can't manage the market or market conditions -- but you can manage behaviors and set expectations," Vince advises sales managers. "If you have a history with the sales organization, you can begin to take numbers and figure out baselines -- knowing the sales per quarter, the close ratio, the number of calls you have to make. You can use a sales management tool like Salesforce or Upshot. You can analyze the hell out of it, but what matters is that you're focusing on the right things."

"To develop the best practices for your industry, make a spreadsheet. In each column, put a problem -- like 'I need customers,' 'Getting referrals,' 'Making presentations,' 'Following through' -- all the things you're thinking about. Then go out and interview the people in the industry. Maybe they aren't direct competitors, but people who have similar types of businesses. Ask them, 'What is the best way you have found to get to customers?' Then build your own best practices document, based on people you respect. Keep on filling in all the best practices you hear. When you're done, you're going to have a roadmap of the best practices and best ideas."

One of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make is not making their sales numbers because they fall in love with their product or service and stop living by the spreadsheet. So make sure your sales goals are on your desktop and refer back to them every two or three days. It doesn't matter if you are a nonprofit, a for-profit, or a venture-backed company. Strong and creative sales forecasting, great sales teams, good knowledge about what the client needs and wants, and a strong product or service are all critical.

One of the most effective aspects of a sales strategy is to build a community of customers and share knowledge with them. ThirdAge was at the nexus of two trends, the wired boomer/senior and the mature consumer, so our customers appreciated sharing information with each other. Bring your customers together for annual events. Private client meetings can also be extremely effective. These events help build and reinforce your brand. And if they are insightful and fun, the sponsors will return.

Copyright © 2007 Dr. Mary S. Furlong from the book Turning Silver Into Gold Published by FT Press; February 2007;$24.99US/$29.99CAN; 978-0-13-185698-1

Dr. Mary S. Furlong is the leading authority on the baby boomer generation as it moves beyond 50. She founded Mary Furlong & Associates to help socially and consumer-conscious companies reach this growing market. She is also Executive Professor of Entrepreneurship and Women in Leadership at Santa Clara University's Leavey School of Business. Ame Blog66611
Alexina Blog36334

Jogging And Running

Jogging is a mode of running in which a person moves the body at a constant, relaxed pace for a certain distance. Physical and physiological capabilities determine the exact pace and distance he or she jogs on an outing. Nevertheless, medical experts advise that the pace should be one at which a jogger can talk without becoming winded; panting and gasping for air, and the distance should be one that will not bring about bodily injury.

To distinguish runners from joggers, authorities on the subject say that runners run a mile in seven minutes or less, train and look for competitive events to race in, or run solely for the sheer enjoyment of running; whereas joggers, who on average run 10 to 15 minutes a mile, are not as interested in competing against others as they are in improving their health and fitness.

From the middle 1960s to the present, millions of people in the United States and abroad incorporated jogging into their lifestyles. Their participation in this sporting as well as recreational activity is indicative of the ever rising importance the general public throughout the world has placed on working out and getting in shape.

In the U.S. alone, a Gallup Poll released in the late 1970s reported that approximately 11% of the adult population named jogging as their main form of exercise. This amounted to more than 15-million joggers, contrasted with 6.5 million reported by a poll released three years earlier. By 1982, studies indicated that some 25 million men and women were running or jogging a minimum of 10 miles a week. And in 1988, a poll conducted by the National Sporting Goods Association reported that people from all age groups and income levels participated in jogging.

Recently, there has been a drop in the number of people who jog or run. To a large extent, this is due to a slump in amateur athletic involvement as a whole. But it's also because there are so many other ways for a person to spend recreational dollars in order to obtain a trim and muscular physique as well as a robust heart and lungs. For instance, there now exists a plethora of sports equipment manufacturers who have devised training apparatus (e.g., Schwinn Airdyne and NordicTrack) that can heighten aerobic performance and develop strength in the same workout session. This notwithstanding, jogging still boasts millions of adherents and remains near the top of the list as one of the favorite means of exercise.

Jogging's longstanding popularity stems from a variety of practical reasons. One of these reasons is its diverse health benefits, particularly its ability to aid in the prevention and cure of cardiovascular irregularities.

Other reasons are that it is convenient and inexpensive. Unlike so many athletic endeavors, such as swimming and tennis, jogging requires no specific setting or time, no partners, no special equipment (the only gear needed is comfortable-fitting clothes plus a good pair of running shoes) and in most cases just occasional medical attention.

To elaborate on the latter, jogging does have an element or two of risk associated with it. Because of repeated shocks to the body as the feet pound against the ground at three to five times the jogger's body weight, assorted afflictions to the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back are not uncommon. And some joggers have discovered - at times tragically - previously undetected cardiac disorders.

Yet you can reduce the odds of these kinds of problems from occurring by having a thorough medical checkup to assess your body's overall state before embarking on a jogging program, by purchasing shoes that cushion the feet, are flexible and fit properly, and by progressing from short- to long-distance runs cautiously.

In fact, most beginners probably should start out by walking at a brisk pace for 20 to 30 minutes, three to five days a week rather than jog. At this stage, they are wise to apply themselves to doing nothing more than getting their legs accustomed to carrying their bodies around for extended periods of time. After a few weeks, they can alternately walk and jog, progressively increasing their jogging time until they are able to jog 20 minutes without stopping. This schedule ought to be maintained for about 10 weeks. Then, they should build up to the point where they're jogging at least three jogs of two miles or more a week.

Several authorities say that along with putting in the aforesaid mileage per week, the most beneficial way to jog is to pace yourself so that your pulse rate stays below a maximum equal to 220 minus your age - and preferably not exceeding 70% to 80% of this maximum. To illustrate, if you're 40 years old, you would subtract 40 from 220 and find your maximum pulse rate is 180. You would then multiply 180 by .70 and get the number 126.00. Hence, you should be jogging at a pace that will cause your heart to beat at a rate of 126 to 135 beats a minute. (For a person having difficulty taking his or her exercising heart rate, the simplest places to count it are the radial artery on the wrist and the carotid artery on the side of the neck. Use the first and second fingers of the hand and place them on the thumb side of your wrist or place these same two fingers on the opposite side of your neck. Take your pulse for 15 seconds, then multiply by four.)

When compared to other exercises or sports, jogging is one of the easiest and safest fitness activities; and it provides its participants with a productive workout in a relatively short period of time. For example, the energy used by average-weight men and women while jogging burns calories at a rate of roughly 100 per mile (a pound of fat contains 3,500 calories), which plays a primary role in the regulation of body weight (i.e., weight control or reduction). Furthermore, jogging decreases the body's excess fat content, lowers blood pressure, pulse rate and cholesterol level, and increases stamina and endurance.

More important, jogging elevates and sustains physical wellbeing by improving the performance of the heart, lungs, respiratory and circulatory systems, and in many instances by reversing the harmful effects of coronary disease.

Jogging also strengthens the muscles of the calves, thighs and buttocks. Numerous joggers feel that jogging has psychological benefits, too. They say that it helps them relieve anxiety and tension, and enables them to deal with stress and everyday pressures in a calm, rational manner. Moreover, jogging offers its participants the opportunity to experience, through their outdoor runs, the world in which they live.

There currently is a huge collection of books and magazines on the market published especially for joggers. These publications give advice on how to run properly, how to pick a jogging program, how to train for anything from a 5K race to a 26.2 mile marathon, offer suggestions on how to combat fatigue and injury, test and rate jogging shoes, suggest seasonal running attire, and publish upcoming running events from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Los Angeles, California, to Chicago, Illinois, to New York City, New York, to London, England, to...I think you get the picture.

Nonetheless, to get you started on the right foot (so to speak), here are a few basic tips; if you jog in warm weather, wear lightweight clothing. In the heat, you want to keep the body cool and ventilated. Additionally, to keep from becoming dehydrated, drink an adequate amount of liquids; water and sports drinks are excellent for replenishing lost body fluids. It is crucial to drink before, during and after your jogs. While jogging, many authorities recommend drinking eight to 10 ounces of liquids every 20 minutes.

If you jog in cold weather, dress in layers of clothing in order to trap body heat. Wear fabrics that are good insulators against nippy temperatures. Particularly cover your head (where up to 40% of body heat escapes), hands and feet. Nowadays, a host of well-made running suits, undergarments, hats, gloves, and socks are available to joggers at department stores and at sporting-goods shops.

As mentioned earlier, it is very important that a jogger purchase a good pair of running shoes. These shoes should have enough cushioning in them to absorb the shock of jarring foot strikes; should be flexible at the forefoot to ward off painful shin splints; should have a well-constructed heel at the rearfoot to keep the Achilles' tendon protected from injury, as well as to ensure that the foot remains stable on impact. And, of course, they should fit snugly on your feet.

To further aid in preventing injuries to the legs and feet, it also is very important to warm up before jogging and cool down afterward. Most authorities advise devoting no less than 10 minutes to stretching and strengthening exercises. (Explanations and illustrations of these exercises can be found in manuals written for joggers.)

After you've completed the warm-up routine, begin your jog at a relaxed, uniform pace, breathing deeply with your mouth open. Once you've loosened up and started to sweat, which generally occurs somewhere around the one-mile mark, gradually pick up the pace.

Following a big meal, wait one hour before jogging to ward off a "stitch," or pain in the side. But if you contract a stitch, you can ease this sudden and sharp pain by using proper breathing techniques: deep inhalations, pushing the air downward past the navel; and complete exhalations, forcing the air upward out of the abdominal area and ultimately out of the body.

An incorrect stride is yet another cause of injury to your legs and feet. Keep your body erect while jogging, with your head high and your arms swinging at hip level. Specifically, you should bend your elbows at 90-degree angles and hold them out an inch or so from your sides, with your arms moving naturally from front to back. Each foot should land under your torso, almost flat and toward your heel, and there should be a slight bend in your knee. A short stride is preferable for jogging; to get more speed, though, you will find it necessary to lengthen your stride.

The surface you jog on is important, too. Jog either on a track or other soft, padded surfaces such as gravel trails or grass, trying as much as possible to avoid sidewalks made of unyielding concrete. (With regard to exercise intensity and caloric burn, jogging on gravel trails or grass, or up and down hills, is physically tougher and burns more calories than jogging on a track.)

If you jog on gravel trails, however, the grade may still be taxing to your legs. Conversely, grass is less taxing than gravel trails but may be uneven. Clearly, you will have to do some experimenting to find out which one is appropriate for your structural make up. Nevertheless, don't forget about variety as a way of easing stress on overworked, weakened muscle groups, and as a way of keeping your jogs from becoming a mundane task to be performed.

Also, it's perfectly all right for you to slow down to a fast walk while jogging. You must erase the erroneous notion from your head that to slow down to a walk during a jog is to be a failure. No one is a failure who jogs smart, who listens to his or her body and does what he or she is realistically capable of doing. You don't prove anything worthwhile by being obsessed with completing a jog at an uncomfortable pace. So jog until you begin to get tired; walk fast until you've regained your strength, then, if possible, continue jogging. Remember that you're jogging to elevate your health and fitness levels, not to deplete them.

And be careful that you don't "stop dead in your tracks." Abruptly stopping and terminating a jog could lead to serious - if not disastrous - consequences. All the blood could be trapped in the muscles that have suddenly stopped working. As a result, an insufficient amount of blood flows to the brain or the heart or the intestine, and related symptoms arise. That is, dizziness when there is not enough blood flowing to the brain, accelerated heart beat when there is not enough blood returning to the heart muscle, or nausea and vomiting if the intestine isn't receiving enough blood.

Thus, when you've made up your mind to conclude your jog, it is very important to come to a halt gradually, allowing enough time for the heart, lungs, and other body systems and processes to recover and resume their normal resting functions.

Lastly, when you work out on a regular basis and engage in a prolonged, strenuous activity like jogging, take carbohydrates into the body before exercising to provide the stamina and strength you need to get through your workout session. After you've finished working out, you ought to take more carbohydrates into the body to keep from becoming weak and tired.

Carbohydrates change into glycogen easier than do either proteins or fats. And what your muscles need when they've been exercised by demanding, long-drawn-out motion is glycogen.

The carbohydrates that are beneficial to eat at a post-exercise meal can be simple carbohydrates such as candy or plain white sugar, however, it is better to get your sugar by eating fresh fruit. Or, you can eat complex carbohydrates, starchy foods such as breads, unsweetened cereals, potatoes, brown rice and beans.

But eating solely simple carbohydrates low in fiber and vitamins can produce a physiological imbalance that will invariably lead to a physical breakdown. It is to your advantage, therefore, to eat a broad assortment of nutritious foods from the four basic food groups.

Yet, you need not be overly concerned with consuming enough protein. To be frank, the majority of us eat more than our bodies require. Somewhere around 50 grams a day is sufficient for most people.

© La Rue Briggs - All Rights Reserved. Abbye Blog17920
Benny Blog70790

Saving for College: A Parents Guide to 529 College Savings Plans

If you're like most parents, saving for your children's college education is a priority and a big challenge. Tuition and related costs at both public and private universities have been rising at 5% per year or more, far exceeding the rate of inflation. To put that into perspective, a child born in 2006 should plan on $110,000 in total expenses for four years at the average in-state public college; $300,000 for four years at a private university.

Financing these costs for one or more children is going to take planning and, most importantly, disciplined savings. Tax-advantaged "529 College Savings plans are the savings vehicle of choice and offer important advantages over other options. A $3,000 annual contribution, beginning at birth, to a growth-oriented 529 plan should pay for one childs in-state public education, and a $7,500 annual contribution for a four-year private education. A later start means higher annual contribution amounts.

529 Plan Advantages

Large Tax-Free Contributions: Parents, grandparents, other relatives and even friends can contribute up to $12,000 per year per child, tax-free, to a 529 plan.

Tax-Free Earnings and Distributions: All earnings in a 529 plan are tax-free. Distributions are free from all federal income and most state income taxes when used for tuition or other qualified college expenses. This makes 529 plans as powerful as Roth IRAs for long-term savings.

Donors (parents, grandparents, etc.) "own" the 529 assets: Unlike a custodial account that typically becomes the minors property at age 18, 529 plan assets are always under the control of the donor.

529 plan assets are more advantageous for financial aid considerations: Plan assets are counted at a 5.5% rate by college financial aid offices, compared to the 35% rate used for custodial account assets.

Unused funds in a 529 can be rolled over to another childs benefit.

Have I caught your attention? Now the question is which 529 Plan is best for you and your children?

Choosing a 529 Plan

All plans are sponsored by individual states, but are typically available to residents of other states. Some states offer residents a state income tax deduction for contributions to their own plan. So, for residents of these states, that is the way to go. For those without that tax incentive or residents of states without an income tax, you can choose from just about any of the available plans.

Be aware that many 529 plans are heavily promoted by brokerages and other financial institutions and can carry large and completely unnecessary sales charges. Go with a plan with no sales or other load charges. Typical annual fees for asset and account management combined should be 1% or less.

Recommended 529 Plans

There are at least a dozen excellent options to choose from. Among these, we like the TIAA CREF-managed plans (California and others) and the Vanguard-managed plans in Iowa, Nevada, New York and Utah. The Vanguard plans, with their index investment strategies, have operating costs of less than 75%. A new entry is the Alaska plan managed by T Rowe Price. It offers a choice of first-rate actively-managed funds and at relatively low cost.

No matter which plan you choose, we strongly recommend an age-based investment strategy. These strategies range from Conservative to Aggressive. Age-based programs are dynamic asset allocation programs, similar to Target Retirement date funds. They are heavily invested in stocks when your child is young, gradually converting to more fixed-income and cash as college age approaches. This approach protects against the risk of a major stock market downturn just as the funds are needed.

With over 31 years of investment experience, Martin Weil, Registered Investment Advisor and Principal of MW Investment Strategy Group, helps busy professionals and their families achieve their long-term financial goals. For a free special report filled with recommendations on saving for your child's college education, go to Martin can also be reached at (877) 442-8777 or contact @ mwinvest.comCelia Blog54655
Brynne Blog22048

How to Choose Furniture for a Restaurant or Bar

Before you begin to think about how to furnish a new bar -- or refurnish your old one -- you should ask yourself one very important question: What are people going to do here?

It's not as obvious as it seems. Sure, they're going to buy drinks, schmooze, and hopefully keep coming back to invest in your kids' college fund one mojito at a time. But what is the unique character of your bar? Are you a sports bar with a half a dozen flat screen televisions? Are you a traditional pub serving lunch and dinner? Or, are you in an urban arts district catering to a crowd stopping in for a drink before a night at the theater? Each of these is a very different business -- and each has a different way of making money. Its important to keep all of these factors in mind when thinking about how to furnish your establishment.

Lets start with your bars entrance. If you are in an urban area or a college town, you're probably going to need some kind of door control. You'll likely employ a bouncer or two to check drivers' licenses at the door. A great bar table and stool set at the establishments entrance not only reminds your employees that you care about their comfort, but it serves as a preview of whats to come for potential patrons. Consider a simple bar table such as the Olympia Stainless Steel Bar Table. Combined with an appropriate bar-height stool, you offer your greeters and door managers a compact station from which to do business. The table offers a surface for managing door supplies -- wristbands or hand-stamps, for instance, tickets, or a small cashbox for making change -- and this particular model has a clever rack under the tabletop for hanging a bag or purse.

For seating, consider something along the lines of the Aluminum Bar Stool with Arms, appropriate for both indoor and outdoor use, or an adjustable-height stool. Door-management is an essential operational factor for many bars, and doing it wrong can cost you money -- even your liquor license. It's also how your customers will first interact with your business, so it's worth doing right. An elegant pub table and matching stool sends the correct message.

Inside the bar, the furniture will be determined, in part, by what you are serving up with the drinks. Whether it is a hot plate of fish-n-chips, buffalo wings, potato skins or something a bit more high-class, the dcor needs to match what is featured on the menu for a truly complete experience.

Unless you're operating a ultra-traditional bar with limited space, chances are you'll have at least two seating areas: one at the bar itself and the in a dining area with tables and dining chairs. If you're a sports bar -- or a corner pub where neighbors congregate to watch the big game -- then you'll want to make sure your seats are comfortable enough so your guests aren't squirming at half-time. As much as we love the elegant lines of the Wave Back Barstool, a better choice for the sports-oriented venue might be a traditional, comfortable piece such as the Oak Frame Swivel Stool with Leather Seat and Back. Or, for a truly swanky touch, the cushy Overstuffed Arm Stool with Black Metal Base and Foot Ring adds the perfect touch. Upholstered seating surfaces in durable, professional-grade fabrics, leather, or leather-look vinyl invite your guests to have another round in comfort, while swivel stools invite conversation among the armchair quarterbacks.

Bridging the gap between upholstered seating and elegant modern furnishings are design classics such as that of the Double Chrome Ring Retro Style Frame Counter Stool. Both fresh and classic, it's a comfortable combination of the traditional and the contemporary. And although it' i a counter stool, there's no reason to limit these stylish, versatile pieces to bar seating. Counter-height tables, from classics like the Poplar Pub Table with Cherry Finish and Walnut Inlay, to sophisticated modern expressions such as the Chrome Frame Bar Table with Glass Top offer seating alternatives that are comfortable for guests, easy on servers, and flexible enough to accommodate dozens of different decors. Whether your aesthetic is influenced by Studio 51 or NASCAR, there's a bar stool that is exactly right for your business.

If your establishment is more food-oriented -- or if you simply prefer the look of a traditional dining-room -- then you might want to consider table-height seating away from the bar, rather than bar-height or counter-height seats. Nevertheless, there's a good deal of flexibility here as well. From traditional workhorses such as the Solid Oak Pub Table Top with Iron Base to beautiful, formal options such as the Antique Appearance Dining/Game Table, theres plenty to choose from.

Remember, it's only in part a matter of style. Style matters, to be sure, but so does function and economy. If you're a high-volume business selling pitchers of beer, you probably don't want a barroom full of antiqued Queen Anne tables. You might, however, seriously consider a mix-and-match approach, mating solid, reliable table tops with an assortment of complementary bases. Separate tops and bases are easier to ship and store and provide an economical alternative for venues that need sturdy surfaces at great prices.

The secret is to shop around. From formal dining rooms to folding banquet tables, to solid oak or outdoor options in wicker and rattan, you'll likely find great pieces designed for the rigors of commercial use that matches elegant style, for the host in you, with affordable prices, for the businessman in you.

Nuno Andrade recommends that you visit for more information on bar furniture.Aleece Blog78208
Becka Blog80028

The Five Proven Ways to Combine Job and Studies

On any course there is always at least one student who manages to succeed with studies, while others are doomed to fail. My friend Sally was like that. With an agenda of tasks to accomplish at work and a younger brother to look after, she always had good marks at university and even got her First-Class Degree with no troubles at all!

After my astonishment was dispelled, I started wondering how it came that Sally could successfully combine her job, studies and private life. And since I was about to start my own career being yet a university student, I kept a close eye on my friend trying to figure out her success formula. Step by step, I learned her tricks and adopted her studying methods, which were a good start in life.

1. Understand What You Need to Succeed at

The first thing Sally taught me is that getting a degree is not just about learning biology, history, English or whatever. It is all about understanding what you want to succeed what, in fact, the university wants from you and what you will get in return.

Thus, Sally explained me that if you want to save plenty of time for the things you care about rather than doing unnecessary paper work for the university, you need to have a feel for the education market and sell your inspirations. Consequently, it is important to understand what the lecturer wants from you or what the essay marketer is searching for.

In this respect, Sally saw all lecturers as customers that fall in two broad categories. The first category includes teachers who consider lecturing as an unwelcome interruption to their research work. With them, Sally simply pitched her essays so that her opinions appeared more as evidence that she had read and understood the key contributions to the debate, rather as an attempt to pull down the monuments.

However, it was completely different with other teachers, i.e. the second category of teachers who enjoy teaching and discussing new ideas. To make a favourable impression on them, Sally would present her arguments to show that she had done her reading and understood the key concepts. Moreover, she would try to add something more to the issue rather than rake over familiar ground.

Pretty soon I understood that studying is all about working out what is wanted and then delivering it. This tactic never let me down!

2. Delegate Some Job to Others

Sally was a master of shortcuts. Why should I bother myself with dull research paper topic Im not interested in when someone else can do 200 times better than me and for me? Thats what she told me two days before the research paper deadline, when everyone was suffering over their research papers and Sally wasnt even bothered to have a look at it. The very same day Sally ordered her research paper at one of online custom writing services, received it a day later, skim read it, handed it in and got the desired pass. I couldnt believe it!

Surely, in the course of time I understood how unwise it is to spend so much time on a single research paper just for a tick in a register. Ever since then ordering my university papers became a usual practice for my university years. I simply ordered a research in one of the respectable and proven custom writing services and spared myself of boring and time-consuming research.

With custom writing services, I learned to get both: free time and professionally written, plagiarism-free papers that were tailored to my specific needs.

3. Seek Shortcuts

In all university years there was always a long list of humble books that were to be read. Surely, every book on the reading list was out on long loan from the university library within 5 seconds of the list being issued with no way of getting it. Sally found the way out even here.

Collections of selected readings or journal articles could work miracles; for they are excellent sources that often save the bother of reading the original texts. To get the gist of a novel, we would flick through the book, read the introduction, note any summaries, look at diagrams, skim the index and read any conclusions. This way we plucked out what was needed and made our escape.

4. Condense Your Knowledge

So as Sallys hectic lifestyle didnt slow down even during an examination session, she worked out the proven way to pass any exam with flying colours even when you dont have much time on your hands.

First, Sally was revising by discarding subject areas she could not face revising. The option was to compile notes and then condense them onto one or two sheets for each subject area, so that to concentrate on them before the exam. Thus, leading up to the exam, she would concentrate on the condensed notes and rely on the memory to drag out the details behind them when the time came.

Second, no matter how serious and difficult the exam was, Sally never practised writing exams questions, although it was recommended by the teachers. She always stressed the importance of being spontaneous and open-minded. Although, it all seemed a little bit crazy, I tried it once, twice, then one more time, and once again and to the end of my studies at university.

5. Let Your Hair Down

No matter how difficult it was Sally would never miss a party, or some do. She would always hangout with her friends and share regular shop tours. Her studies or job would never outweigh a date with her boyfriend. Sally would never miss a training session in a gym.

In other words, Sally knew how to relax, let her hair down and get filled with energy, positive thinking and never-ending optimism that would drive her further on.

To cut a long story short, my friend Sally is the example number one of how to strike the right balance between working, studying and enjoying yourself. Simply, be a happy student, take what you do seriously and do your best. And, no matter what you do, dont forget to appreciate every day of your university studies, for it is one of the greatest periods of your life.

Linda Correli is a staff writer for She specializes in writing History, Literature and English essays and book reports, as well as admission essays, personal statements and letters of recommendation.Allyson Blog45580
Candace Blog15085

Hair Perm - Home Perm Hair Style

Making straight hair curly is not a new hair style idea. Women in ancient Egypt coated their hair in mud, wound it around wooden rods and then used the heat from the sun to create the curls. Waves that won't wash out are a more recent innovation. Modern perms were pioneered by A F Willat, who invented the "cold permanent wave" technique in 1934. Since then, improved formulations and ever more sophisticated techniques have made perm the most versatile option in hair style.

How Hair Perm works

Perm works by breaking down inner structures in your hair and reforming them around a curler to give a new shape. Hair should be washed prior to perming as this causes the scales on the cuticles to rise gently, allowing the perming lotion to enter the hair shaft more quickly. The perming lotion alters the Kertin and breaks down the sulphur bonds that link the fibre like cells together in the inner layers of each hair. When these fibres have become loose, they can be formed into a new shape, when the hair is stretched over a curler or a perming rod. Once the curlers or rods are in place, more lotion is applied and the perm is left to develop to fix the new shape. The development time can vary according to the condition and texture of the hair. When the development is complete, the changed links in the hair are re-formed into their new shape by the application of a second chemical known as the neutralizer. The neutralizer contains an oxidizing agent that is effectively responsible for closing up the broken links and producing the wave or curl permanently.

The type of curl that is produced depends on a number of factors. The size of the curler is perhaps the most important as this determines the size of the curl. Generally speaking the smaller the curler the smaller and therefore tighter the curl, whereas medium to large curlers tends to give a much looser effect. The strength of lotion used can also make a difference, as can the texture and type of hair. Hair in good condition takes a perm much better than hair in poor condition and fine hair curls more easily than coarse hair.

After a perm it takes 48 hours for the keratin in the hair to harden naturally. During this time the hair is vulnerable to damage and must be treated with care. Resist shampooing, brushing, vigorous combing, blow drying or set ting, any of which may cause the perm to drop. Once hair has been permed it remains curly and shaped the way it has been formed, although new growth will be straight. As time goes by the curl can soften and if the hair is long its weight may make the curl and the wave appear much looser.

Home Versus Salon Hair Perm

Perming is such a delicate operation that many women prefer to leave it in the hands of experienced, professional hair dressers. The advantages of having hair permed in a salon are several. The hair is first analyzed to see whether it is in fit condition to take a perm; colored, out-of-condition, or over-processed hair may not be suitable. With a professional perm there is also a greater choice in the type of curl - different strengths of lotion and different winding techniques all give a range of curls that are not available in home perm.

Home Rules For Perm Hair Style

If you do use a perm at home, it is essential that you read and follow the instructions supplied with the product. Remember to do a test curl to check whether your hair is suitable and check to make certain you have enough curlers. You will probably want to enlist the help of a friend, as it's impossible to curl the back sections of your own hair properly, so you will need a helping hand. Timing is crucial - don't be tempted to remove the lotion before the time given or leave it on longer than directed.

Salon Perms - The Choices

Professional hair dresser can offer a number of different types of perm that are not available for home use:

Acid perms produce highly conditioned flexible curls. They are ideally suited to hair that is fine, sensitive, fragile, damaged or tinted as they have a mildly acidic action that minimizes the risk of hair damage.

Alkaline perm give strong, firm curl result on normal and resistant hair.

Exothermic perm give bouncy, resilient curls. "Exothermic" refers to the gentle heat that is produced by the chemical reaction that occurs when the lotion is mixed. The heat allows the lotion to penetrate the hair cuticle, conditioning and strengthening the hair from inside as the lotion moulds the hair into its new shape.

Any of above types of perm can be used with different techniques to produce a number of results as under:- Body perm are very soft, loose perm created by using large curlers, or some times rollers. The results is added volume with a hint of wave and movement rather than curls. Root perms add lift and volume to the root area only. They give height and fullness and are therefore ideal for short hair that tends to go flat.

Spiral perm create romantic spiral curls, an effect that is produced by winding the hair around special long curlers. The mass of curls makes long hair look much thicker. Stack perm give curl and volume to one - length hair cuts by means of different sized curlers. The hair on top of the head is left unpermed while the middle and ends have curl and movements. Weave perms involve perming certain sections of hair and leaving the rest straight to give a mixture of texture and natural looking body and bounce, particularly on areas around the face such as the fringe.

Jerry White writes Hair Styles -, Short Hair Style - and Beauty Makeup Tips Blog7752
Angela Blog18889

Robert Frost was Right: Choosing the Road to the College That's Best For You

The stairway to college is made up of steps that will take you to the higher education that's right for you...and (yes) ONLY you!

How high school and college diverge.

The high school experience moves students through the school system in groups.

Where do you fit in?

How are you viewed? Athlete? Actor? Academic wiz?

To survive and excel in high school, you find that you must meet the expectations for people who are much the same. Yet, in college, and in much of the world after college, the key to excellence, and the route to happiness, is often to carve your own path.

How do you feel when you read this classic poem by Robert Frost?

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Selecting a college or university is not about following the path of everyone else, is it? Ivy League? Or not. Big 10 Football? Or not. While college has become more expensive and competitive, the path you choose may surprise all those around you.

Don't let this idea frighten your parents or shock your friends. Here's the core: Trust the voice inside of you. Small classes: do they appeal to you or stifle you? Trust your emotions when visiting this type of school. A sprawling college campus: Does it welcome you or bore you? Trust your intuition over every choice. And when you meet with two diverging paths, feel proud of the decision to take the one less traveled.

Susan Curtis is Editor of Stairway to College: Navigating the College Admissions Process Ardenia Blog72137
Antoinette Blog3184

Grooming The Cavalier King Charles

The Cavalier King Charles has a coat of soft, gently-waving, never curly longish hair that is silky. There should be a profuse mane extending down in the front of the chest. There should also be thick feathering on the ears and feet, and well up the back of the legs. There should be plenty of feathering in the coat of a Cavalier King Charles. The coat should not be trimmed for the show ring.

Its red and white color type is called Blenheim after the Duke of Marlboroughs estate. Other colors include ruby, black and white and tricolor, which is a combination of black and white with russet brown accents.

Although the Cavalier King Charles claims origin in seventeenth-century England, the roots of most if not all true spaniels are found in Spain. The Cavalier King Charles probably also has some of the ancient Oriental toy breeds among its progenitors as well. Spaniels were and are sporting dogs, designed to flush and retrieve game birds. The Cavalier King Charles of the 1600s may have served a similar function, but the primary purpose was to provide pleasure for its English royalty owners. The Cavalier King Charles boasts a long history filled with royal favor.

You will need a slicker brush and comb. Many pet owners like the feet to be trimmed of feathering especially in the winter. Some pet owners prefer that all feathering be removed.

Grooming procedure:

1. Brush the Cavalier King Charles with the slicker brush.

2. Comb through the coat to remove all tangles. Use an untangle spray if necessary.

3. Check the Cavalier King Charles nails, ears and teeth.

4. Some pet owners like the thicker-coated dogs to be thinned out. You can use thinning scissors and thin with the growth of the coat. Comb the coat thoroughly. Assess whether more thinning is necessary.

5. The excess hair between food pads should always be cleaned out with scissors, but not on top of the feet. The show dog Cavalier King Charles will require a little extra attention.

Now your Cavalier King Charles is ready for his bath. Try bathing him with a pH-balanced shampoo. What may be useful for your Cavalier King Charles is a purifying shampoo and mask conditioner to enhance the coat and skin. Use this about every 4 months.

When you blow dry your Cavalier King Charles be sure you go along with the hair growth, rather than against it. You can also cage-dry your Cavalier King Charles after combing through the coat with a balsam conditioner.

Pet or show dog, the Cavalier King Charles is a delightful creature. He is especially good with children, but all ages can enjoy the companionship of a Cavalier King Charles. He loves to please his family and should do very well with grooming sessions if introduced properly and maintained on a routine basis.

The Cavalier King Charles does require a fair amount of frequent brushing and combing to keep him in shape. Nothing real complicated or anymore than the dog grooming basics of brushing, bathing, blow drying ear cleaning and nail trimming. Beyond these basics, there is a small amount of trimming.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.

Connie Limon. Visit us at and sign up for our FREE newsletters. About Toy Dogs is a toy dog breeder and article directory. Purchase ad space at $25 per year.Angelica Blog74117
Berenice Blog9409

NextStudent Offers PLUS Loans for Graduate and Professional Students

According to Phoenix-based NextStudent, a premier education funding company, the proliferation of graduate and professional programs has led to new sources of education funding designed to benefit these goal-orientated students who are, in essence, beginning their career by continuing on in their education. As the job market in the United States continues to generate a need for applicants who are highly competitive in specified fields from technology to the ever-growing medical field, undergraduate students across the country are beginning to feel the squeeze as graduate and professional degrees become must-haves for even intermediate and entry-level positions.

The decision to continue education onto the graduate and professional level is one that oftentimes comes with considerable financial stress because of the continued financial obligation. However, NextStudents Graduate PLUS Loan ( Program may allow borrowers to fund up to the full cost of their education (less any financial aid received), including living expenses, books, supplies and even computers.

NextStudent now offers a PLUS Loan Program for graduate and professional students with rates starting as low as 8.5 percent. The Graduate PLUS Loan Program features the same benefits directly to graduate and professional students that parents of undergraduate students receive from traditional PLUS loans ( Because NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans are federally sponsored, they offer many of the perks of traditional PLUS loans, including eligibility for federal student loan consolidation (, tax-deductible interest and a variety of repayment options.

Eligibility and Credit Resolution

NextStudent offers a simple online application process through E-Signature, and many prospects who apply online qualify within minutes. Also offered is a second look for borrowers who receive an initial denial because of unresolved credit issues. NextStudent has a PLUS Credit Resolution Team that has an 87 percent success rate at resolving borrowers credit issues, resulting in funded PLUS loans.

Graduate PLUS loans ( easily are accessible to many students. To qualify a student must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen. Although a credit check is required, many students with limited or no credit history still qualify for Graduate PLUS loans.

Flexible Repayment Options and Aggressive Incentives

With all the great incentives offered by NextStudent and its Graduate PLUS Loan Program, now is the right time for students to take the next step and go for their graduate degree.

NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans offer several repayment options including deferred repayment while a student is enrolled in school at least half time, and there are no prepayment penalties, ever. There also is a 3 percent cash rebate at repayment on the remaining principal balance after the first 12 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. In addition, a 2 percent interest rate reduction is available after the first 48 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. Student borrowers receive a .25 percent reduction when they choose repayment through Auto-Debit.

NextStudent, federal lender code 834051, is dedicated to helping students and their families find affordable ways to pay for college. NextStudent offers one-on-one education finance counseling and has a portfolio of highly competitive education finance products and services including a free online scholarship search engine, federally guaranteed parent and student loans, private student loans, both federal and private student loan consolidation ( programs, and college savings plans.

The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine, one of the nations oldest and largest scholarship search engines, is updated daily, available free of charge, completely private and represents 2.4 million scholarships worth $3.4 billion.

For more information about NextStudent and its student loan programs, please visit the companys Web site at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Ailis Blog88048
Allx Blog99056

4 Good Reasons Why Woodworkers Should Use Diamond Sharpeners - From a South African Perspective

For years, woodworkers have lived with the problems of sharpening their tools on oil stones, water stones and ceramics. Unless they are careful, their sharpeners do not stay flat. This in turn makes sharpening more difficult. These sharpening stones can be slow and it can take 30 minutes to properly sharpen a chisel.

There are 4 reasons why diamond sharpeners have been growing in popularity:

The first reason is their ability to stay flat and not to groove like other conventional sharpeners ( oil stones, Japanese water stones and ceramics). Woodworkers find this feature invaluable. Woodworkers can then focus on sharpening their tools, not the additional task of maintaining a flat surface on their sharpening stones. A consistent flat surface means the task of flattening the back of plane irons and chisels now becomes both fast and accurate.

Secondly, diamond sharpeners dramatically speed sharpening to save time and labour costs. The harder the material being sharpened, the more time saved. It is a well known fact in abrasive technology that the removal of chip clearance and clearing of abrasive particles speed stock removal. Maintaining a constant angle of the tool to the sharpening surface is the key to producing a sharp edge. The much faster sharpening speed of diamond sharpeners, compared to conventional methods makes it easier to keep and unchanging wrist angle. The constant flatness of diamond sharpeners also help maintain the tool angle to the sharpener.

The third reason is their economical benefit in providing optimum control of carbide removal to extend the life of carbide tooling compared to sharpening services with diamond wheels. Diamonds are the hardest material known. They are four times harder than tungsten carbide and so can quickly sharpen carbide router bits and other tooling. Only a little carbide is removed at a time with the diamond sharpener. Because of this, carbide tooling life can be extended 5 to 7 times when sharpened on diamond sharpeners.

The fourth benefit of diamond sharpening stones is the cleanliness. You only need water as a lubricant, no need for the higher viscosity of a honing oil to suspend swarf and keep the abrasive surface clean. There is no chance of oil, carried by a tool that is sharpened, staining or contaminating the work piece.

Diamond sharpeners come in a spectrum of diamond sizes. Typical of most manufactures are the following ranges: 220 grit/9 micron (x-course), 325 grit/45 micron (course), 600 grit/25 micron (fine) and 1200 grit/9 micron (extra fine). Sizes are measured primarily by mesh. Mesh refers to the count of wires per inch in the weave of a sieve for sorting particles. Hence, a larger mesh number designates a smaller particle. Today, high quality diamond abrasive is sized with a more sophisticated technology than the old sieve method by using the particle of Stokes Law settling action. Crystal sizes are also measured in microns.

The micro size used depends primarily on the tool to be sharpened. The 220 grit (x-course) rapidly removes metal and is appropriate for dressing nicked or damaged knives and chisels or for flattening the soles of plane irons. For rapid sharpening the 325 grit (course) is recommended. The 600 (fine) efficiently hones precision tools and refines the edges honed by the 220 (x-course) and 325 (course) grits. Sharpeners with 1200 mesh (extra fine) are used to polish and refine cutting surfaces and cabinet making and machinist tools after stock has been removed by the coarser grits. Good quality diamond sharpeners use uniform diamond sizes to produce a superior finish to woodworkers tools.

Andrew SmitAndrea Blog34656
Belinda Blog11590

Six Foolproof Steps to Finding and Choosing a Professional Hair Braider

So, you've decided to have your hair braided. Wonderful! A foundation in African culture, braids are a stylish way to create a new look, and a great alternative when you want to give your stressed tresses a rest.

Now that you've decided to embark on the braid journey, finding someone qualified to bring your desired look to life can be challenging. There are a plethora of braiders to choose from, each conducting business on different levels.

Many braiders work in salons. They rent booth space and provide braiding services during salon hours. Some salons are exclusive to hair braiding. Other braiders freelance and do business from their home or yours. With so many options, how do you find a braider that is right for you?

In my own recent journey to finding a braider as I transition from a chemical relaxer to natural hair, I was faced with the very same question. After much braider drama over the years - from braiders in pajamas, braiders who braid too tight and braiders who stop to run errands and cook meals - I decided to be more selective in my search for a professional braider who met all of my criteria (more on that later).

Based on my new strategy, I've put together the following six steps to help you find and choose a professional braider that is right for you:

1. Make the Decision - You already know you want your hair braided. Now you must decide if you prefer the foundation of the salon environment, or if you prefer the more relaxed one-on-one setting you'll find with a freelance braider. You know your style and your comfort zone. Go with what makes sense for you.

2. Shop Around - Ask for referrals from family, friends, co-workers or your regular hair stylist. Look through the Yellow Pages under "Beauty Salons & Services" to find listings for braiders in your area. Check out for your area as well. A lot of salons and freelance braiders take advantage of this free form of advertising to generate business. Do a search for "braids" in the "services" section of Craigslist. And remember while shopping, many states do not require braiders to have a cosmetology license for their services. For more on this subject and to see your state's requirements (if listed), click here:

3. See the Work - While in the shopping stage, you definitely only want to consider braiders whose work you can actually see. If they were a referral you've probably seen the work firsthand on someone. If you found them in the Yellow Pages or on Craigslist, ask if they have a website or online photo album that you can view if it isn't already listed in their advertisement.

4. Choose Three - Take your time to really study the braiders on your list. Consider prices, creativity of style and location convenience. Look for a slight edge that makes them stand out (more on that in a bit). Make sure they know how to create the style you're looking for. Factor in all of these elements and choose your top three.

5. Visit - Contact your top three choices and arrange a time to meet face-to-face. Each visit should last no more than 15 minutes. That is more than enough time to survey your surroundings and get a feel for the person performing the services. I can't put enough value on the importance of meeting potential braiders face-to-face. Know what you're walking into before you walk into it.

Be up front and let them know that you are interviewing braiders and would like to come by to meet them personally. If they object, take them off your list. Otherwise, plan your visits within two to three days of each other so each experience is fresh in your mind and you can make a sound decision. If you're choosing to have your hair braided in a salon, you can usually walk in during normal business hours without an appointment. I still recommend making the arrangements ahead of time as a courtesy.

Quick Safety Tip: Always let someone know when you'll be visiting a new braider and give them all the contact information. You can never be too careful!

Once in front of each braider, ask the same set of standard questions so that you can compare the responses. Take notes and share your past experiences. Make sure your expectations are crystal clear.

Pay attention to the vibe you're feeling while you're with each braider, it makes a difference. And remember, the objective of the visit is to evaluate the overall level of professionalism. This is the time to tie in what you already know with what you will learn in the face-to-face visit to see if they match.

Here are the criteria you should look for from start to finish in a professional braider:

* Prompt - Answers your initial phone call or e-mail request for more information (such as price for a certain style) within 24-hours.

* Reliable - Someone who is dependable, punctual, and who will contact you immediately if their schedule changes.

* Appearance - They don't have to be dressed to strut down a runway, but they should at least be dressed!

* Focused - While braiding, the focus should be on the task at hand, not anything that will be a distraction from completing the job. In a salon or in a home, this is a business and it should be treated as such. Bathroom and lunch breaks within reason are of course acceptable.

* Clean - Surroundings should be clean and well kept. You want to feel comfortable and not have the creepy crawlies the entire time you're there. If getting extension hair and the braider provides the hair in their price, the hair should be new and in an unopened package. Never accept partially used hair.

* Friendly - While you may not become best friends with your braider, you do want to feel comfortable with the person who will be "in your head". Especially if this is someone you are considering going back to in the future.

* Hair Health Conscious - As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of braiders out there. Unfortunately, not enough of them are really tuned into the needs of hair. Braiding is a wonderful method to use to give the hair a rest so that it can grow to optimal potential. However, if done incorrectly, braids can cause severe damage and breakage. The hair braider you choose should be gentle, doesn't use a lot of tension while braiding, doesn't put too much extension hair on each braid that weighs down your natural hair, and should provide hair maintainence tips before, during and in-between each set of braids.

* Affordable - The person you choose should be someone whose work you like and their price fits within your budget. As a rule of thumb, freelancers should charge less than salon braiders. Don't forget to ask ahead of time what forms of payment are acceptable.

*Experience - Years of experience as well as experience with all types of ethnicities, hair textures and hair conditions are equally important. Someone with five years of experience may work with several clients who have balding and thinning issues, while someone with 15 years of experience may have limited exposure in this area. Think of your own needs and consider what works best for you.

* Slight Edge - Look for golden nuggets that make braiders stand out: websites; online photo albums; work guarantee (will correct mistakes free of charge or money back); location convenience; braiders who will accompany you to the beauty supply store to select the right type of hair; and freelance braiders who travel to you. These and other above average traits are all pluses that rank higher in the selection process.

6. Choose and Follow Up - Remember, this is a business transaction. You should not only expect professionalism, but you should also demonstrate professionalism in the process. Once you've made your choice, reconnect with each braider either by phone or e-mail to let them know your decision. Start with the braiders who didn't make the cut. Thank them for their time, let them know you chose to go with someone else and wish them continued success. Period. No explanation needed.

Next, contact the braider of your choice, thank them for their time and book your appointment!

In the end, I chose the mid-priced braider. She is very concerned about hair health, which is also of great importance to me. And while my appointment isn't until next month, I feel confident about my selection and the steps I took to make my decision.

Use these same steps to finding and selecting a professional braider and you will be well on your way to a great new look and an overall pleasant experience from start to finish. Happy braiding!

Kitara R. Wilson is a freelance writer and successful Warm Spirit business owner. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College in Oakland, Calif.Astra Blog88351
Belia Blog50399

Stop Throwing Money Away In Your IT Department

Companies continue throwing money at IT projects and accept a pathetic 30% success rate. The IT field is filled with complexity and the fast pace seems overwhelming at times, yet we as professionals should adapt to the changing environment and use available best practices to increase the success rate of IT projects. IT professionals need to understand best practice guidelines, processes, templates and how to deploy them in different situations.

Following these best practices is not a silver bullet. They also will not guarantee success everytime. They will however, provide you with the necessary tools that provide you the greatest chance for success.

Today we will review a few best practice IT management techniques.

Align IT and Business

Align IT projects to specific business strategy goals and objectives. Do not start or continue IT projects that are not aligned with the business strategy.

Qualified Leadership

Make sure that each project has a full time leader with overall responsibility and authority for the project. The project leader should be qualified to manage the project size and complexity.

Be Competitive

Use information technology to improve your business competitive advantage.

Define Metrics

Define and track measurable objectives that are necessary for the success of the project. Review these metrics monthly and adjust the project as needed.

Leverage Current Technology

Leverage the investment of your current systems when developing a new system.

Project Organization

Project teams or sub-teams should contain 2 to 7 team members with a mix of technical and business specialists. Keep the project team organization small and agile.

Keep It Simple

Use the simplest possible combination of business processes and technology to achieve your goals.

Work In Small Units

Project work should be broken down into small units. A task should not exceed 80 hours and should not be less than 8 hours. The project should produce workable systems every 30 to 90 days.

Keep It Small

Break the development of big IT system projects into smaller functional projects to reduce the complexity and lower the overall risk of a big system project.

Project Administration

Provide each project team with a coordinator or administrator that help project managers and leads keep project plans and budgets up to date and accurate.

Understand Your Capabilities

Don't take on an IT project when the complexity exceeds the companies capabilities.

Start From Scratch

When restarting failed projects, start from scratch. Don't use the original design and project organization that failed the first time.

Copyright (c) 2006 Dennis Sommer

Dennis Sommer is a widely respected and world renowned authority on sales, leadership, and strategy performance improvement. He is a leading business adviser, author, and speaker providing clients with practical strategies that improve business and personal performance. Dennis has over twenty years of management consulting, sales, technology and business leadership experience. He has delivered over 200 successful client engagements for Fortune 1000 companies. Please contact Dennis at: or Blog6530
Ariana Blog2434

Bad Credit OK? No it Isn't!

BAD Credit OK?

How Many Times Have You Heard That Before? Well, bad credit isnt ok! You see the ads everywhere mortgage companies, car dealers, furniture stores, etc. Below I will touch on the truth that exposes these ruthless and damaging marketing tactics that usually end up hurting you more than helping you.

The goal of these companies is to get as many people walking through their doors or submitting credit applications as possible, and thats it. They are well aware of the fact that over 90% of these bad credit consumers will never get approved for a loan; its the 10% that they base their ad budget on. There has never been a loan given to a person with really bad credit--the banks, lenders, and creditors just dont allow it.

What makes matters worse is that if you had bad credit when you walked in the door, and they pulled your credit reports, your credit score will probably be lower when you walk out their door. Almost every inquiry on your credit report lowers your credit score, especially those within a small time frame.

The good news is there are a few things you can do to fight back. The first thing you can do is become proactive and request your own credit reports before you begin shopping for a car, house, or any major purchase you will be financing. When you request your own credit reports your credit score is never affected; no matter how many requests you make. I also recommend that you do not order your credit reports on the internet; when you order your credit reports online, there are identity/security questions that even experienced professionals like myself have a hard time answering. The best way to order your credit reports is by phoneit takes just minutes, its fully automated, and you dont have to answer any security questions.

Send an email to to request a FREE Insiders Guide to Ordering Your Credit Reports to learn more about ordering your reports by phone.

Once you have your credit reports, the most important thing you can do is try to have some of your negative credit items removed. I am sure many of you might think that repairing your credit yourself is next to impossible, but its not. Even if your results are marginal and you have only half of your negative credit items removed you will definitely see your credit score go up.

As far as results are concerned, I have seen every type of negative credit removed--30-60-90 and 120 late payments, tax liens, collections, repos, etc. Credit repair does work, and I have seen the results change the lives of thousands of people. You owe it to yourself and your family to give it at least 60 days and see what happens.

If you want to learn more about Do-It-Yourself credit repair, I recommend visiting The Loan Saver Team offers a credit repair system that is used by hundreds of Mortgage Professionals to secure better loan terms for their clients, and is guaranteed to work

Todd Disraeli has been in the mortgage and credit repair business for over 10 years. Todd's primary expertise is consulting with mortgage companies and helping them turn declined loans into approved loans. Todd uses his extensive knowledge and experience to help mortgage companies, and their loan officers, work smarter and not harder.Alexa Blog76209
Bria Blog75630

Cover Letters

I will routinely advise new writers to make sure their cover letters are professional in tone. All additional correspondence with an editor should be similarly professional.

There are a few other details regarding a cover letter that may be of interest. For instance, if you can't say what needs to be said in one page, you need to say it again. It is bad form to send a cover letter that is longer than one page. The person you are sending the cover letter to may make a judgement about your potential based on the first 20 seconds of your cover letter. If your cover letter is not concise and professional, the letter may be put aside without further consideration. One thing that may help in keeping your letter concise is to work at keeping your sentences short. Twelve to fifteen words should be the target word count for sentences in your cover letter.

There are also certain fonts that you can use to instill a contemporary feeling (such as Arial and Verdana) while there are more traditional fonts that may be used in other instances (such as Times New Roman). Avoid the use of obscure font choices, you want your letter to be readable and the use of these fonts or extensive special formatting can actually detract from your presentation.

When writing your letter make sure to avoid the use of words and phrases that aren't routinely found in daily conversation. Just because your letter is professional doesn't mean that it morphs into something that is less than conversational. You should be able to read your letter out loud and have it sound very much like your normal language and vocabulary use.

Try to take a 'less is more' approach to your cover letter. As mentioned earlier choose one font, keep it simple, no more than one page and use black ink on clean white paper. If the color or font is distracting to the reader it is less likely to gain a fair hearing. Unlike most writing, cover letter writing relies on clarity and that means being concise.

Beyond the construction of the letter, you should include a paragraph dedicated to the summary of your literary work. You should also include a marketing summary that simply states why your work is unique and marketable.

Your letter should express appreciation to the publisher for the time they spend with your manuscript.

One final tip is to be patient. Allow the material to go through proper channels. It can take a few weeks or as much as a year to receive correspondence from the publisher. If you contact them before the end of their stated consideration timeframe, it may decrease your chances of acceptance.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FaithWriters ( and many other web projects. FaithWriters has grown to become one of the largest online destinations for Christian writers. Please visit the website at: http://www.faithwriters.comBerti Blog6630
Alisha Blog97492

A Soccer Dvd Can Help Take Your Game To New Heights

Soccer is the world's most popular game, and consequently there is no shortage of books, videos, and DVD's that focus on the game. Like fans of most any sports, soccer lovers are likely to want to focus on their game even when they are far away from the field of competition. However, unlike sports like football, basketball, baseball, golf, and many others, there is a shortage of television programming that is dedicated to soccer.

That void is especially noticeable when it comes to television programming that is dedicated toward instruction or fundamentals of the game. However, soccer fans can fill that void by purchasing a soccer DVD to help them pass the time, and elevate their game, during their time at home.

Whether you are an aspiring player, coach, or fan of soccer, there is a soccer DVD that is sure to deliver the information you need in an entertaining format. Any soccer lover is sure to enjoy the action oriented DVD titles that are currently available. From titles like The 2006 FIFA World Cup Film narrated by Pierce Brosnan to Champions of Europe, a highlight film covering fifty years of European Cup action; watching soccer played at the highest levels is sure to raise anyones appreciation of the game, and it can even help them develop their game by watching the finest players at their finest moments.

And if retrospective video is what you really enjoy, then no soccer DVD collection is complete without the two disk Special Edition of FIFA Fever. FIFA Fever takes you through 100 years of the greatest action and players in soccer history. From Beckham to Pele, Ronaldo to Zidane; you will find all the greatest players and moments on this special set.

While watching a soccer DVD such as FIFA Fever or Champions of Europe is sure to entertain any soccer fan and you might learn a thing or two as well if improving your skills or expanding your understanding of the fundamentals is what you seek then there are hundreds of DVD titles that are sure to help you on your way to that goal. A soccer DVD can bring the best coaches and players into your living room where they can pass all their valuable information on to you in a format that allows you to watch it again and again. From tips on coaching premier players from a former elite coach in Europe such as David Williams in the Coaching the English Premier League series to tips on coaching young children who are just learning the game, the soccer DVD is the perfect medium for passing along this timeless information.

More advanced players and their coaches are sure to make use of DVD titles that address game situations that better players will encounter, and with proper practice and coaching, exploit. The Tactics and Drills series takes players and coaches through exercises in passing and possession, attacking and goalscoring, and zonal defending, and that series is hardly alone in the marketplace. No matter what your skill level or relationship to the game, there is a soccer DVD that will help you raise your understanding, expertise, and skill.

Get all the latest in Soccer know how from the one and only true source at Be sure to check our soccer DVD page.Afton Blog7371
Callie Blog20836

How To Combat The Worldwide Skills Shortage


In the past decade, we have experienced a steady erosion of skills amongst people working in various industries, professions and businesses. This includes many large industries like chemicals, petrochemicals, oil refining and the like. This is a very provocative statement which will, no doubt be hotly contested by some people, but nevertheless it is true, like it or not. This is the reason why one often hears a cry amongst HR professionals, business leaders and management gurus of a worldwide talent crunch. A side effect of this skill erosion has been an increase in salaries and benefits in many companies to those employees who have retained or enhanced their skills ( as contrasted with the pay cuts seen everywhere not so long ago), as well as concrete steps to stem attrition at all levels. This paper attempts to provide an insight into the issue as well as provide a solution for companies and businesses that are suffering from this problem.

History of the problem

The problem of the skills shortage can be directly attributed to three reasons. The first and primary reason is the Downsizing effect. The second reason is Demographics. The third reason is that not enough young workers are entering the workforce in some sectors. We will study these one by one and also attempt to provide a solution.

Downsize em all!

In the mid to late nineties, there was a wave of a new management fad that cut across all sectors, industries and professions. This fad was the concept of downsizing and rightsizing. Coupled with its cousin of outsourcing, it played a dominant role in creating todays problem. Like many other temporary quick fixes, it only proved the old adage , that the solution to a problem can create a bigger problem.

Until the nineties, typically employees in most companies, shared between them, a vast body of knowledge, that was the real driver of the growth and profitability of the business. This was never acknowledged or measured as such by top management seriously. Thus this intellectual property of the business was never cared for properly. Merely having a physical location (like an office or a factory) and machines (or plants or computers or other physical assets) and money in the bank, does not make a business. The business requires skilled people, in various functions, having diverse skills, to glue it all together. They co-ordinate the people and assets, use the money productively and thus create value. This key insight was lost on the swashbuckling managers and cost-focussed bean counters of the cutting nineties (a term similar to the swinging sixties, but more sinister), who looked askance at people, mocked them as mere cost centers and concentrated on cutting them out of the business.

No doubt that every business does acquire some flab and bureaucracy as it grows older, but this wave of downsizing threw out the baby along with the bathwater. This scored the managers of those days some brownie points and lifted the bottom lines of those companies during the recessionary times by some percentage points. Not to speak of the increase in their own bottom lines because of the bonuses and stock options. But then, when the economy picked up again, this downsizing process left the companies with gaping skills shortages. This left companies with little or no resources to again expand capacities, regain their market positions, introduce new products or even to take care of existing products.

This opportunity cost has been never seriously measured by any of the management gurus, to my knowledge.


In Europe the average age of the population has now increased. This fact is well known and publicized often. However, what is not emphasized enough, is that the aging is far from uniform. In some industries, like chemicals manufacturing, the average age of a typical plant operator is more than 50! Besides, because of the decrease of retirement age by the industry (in its cost-cutting era), it means hundreds of these operators would retire at the same time, permanently cutting off their knowledge of so many years of industries and processes. There wont be enough operators to go around since this age profile cuts across many chemical companies in the western world. Hence, once these operators exit the workforce, finding replacements wont be easy. Ditto for other large manufacturing sectors.

Bad PR and Uncool industries & sectors

Professional PR managers say, that there is no such thing as bad PR, any publicity is good, if it generates interest amongst a community to discuss it. While this may be true for businesses like software or mobile phones, bad PR has badly affected the chemical industry, by painting it as eco-unfriendly, polluting and bad smelling. This is simply untrue with respect to many chemical industries today, who have far less pollution & environmental problems today. In fact most of the problems of pollution and warming in cities can be attributed to vehicular pollution rather than industrial pollution. However, whos listening? To the youngsters graduating out of college the chemical industry is simply uncool. There also do not seem to be many efforts at correcting this view from the manufacturers of chemicals. Besides, the memory of the downsizing campaigns is still fresh and nobody wants to join the chemical industry, IT industry or other manufacturing industries, to make a career. They would rather join a TV channel, become a Radio Jockey, or go into the hospitality business or perhaps even try stock broking or merchant banking. This "bad PR" has also hit the IT industry in the US, where not many young people are enrolling in Computer Science courses in universities, because of the fear of not getting jobs due to outsourcing. Thus this leads to further shortages from the IT businesses point of view.

The effect of combined factors

The effect of all the factors in combination above, has been a dramatic shortage of skilled people in the industry. This creates not just problems of paying more for available skills or overtime, but the fact that a wrong operation because of lack of skills and / or training can result in a disaster, in case of a chemical company, affecting entire communities, not just individuals or companies. Wrong operations in other professions like the IT industry can have also serious undesirable consequences, which may also be catastrophic (imagine a software code with many bugs in your banking application software).

The solution to the problem

The only solution to the problem, is by spending more time, attention and money on training programs that enhance the skills of the workforce in general, refresh old skills that workers have and bring up the skills of the freshers or semi skilled workers who join the workforce, all in a short time. This can be achieved, only by employing innovative training solutions. The old training technique (which is hundreds of years old, by the way), can no longer be used effectively in todays situation.

We are talking about classroom based training here. When somebody says training to a manager, the first thing that comes to his/her mind is Oh! My God! Not again! I am already short of xx workers and they ask me to spare somebody for training!!. This is because many of us still associate the word training with classroom training.

This is of course not correct. The world has moved ahead and training can now be imparted online, at home, in the garden or on the beach. It is now ON DEMAND learning, thanks to the proliferation of the Internet, easy availability of PCs/laptops and mobile phones.

We are talking of e-learning and m-learning here. Besides being flexible, it can be imparted in bite sized chunks, easily digestable, over a period of time. Repeating it hardly costs anything, whereas a classroom refresher training directly doubles the cost.

An added benefit is that, for young entrants to the workforce, it gives them learning on platforms that they are already used to and comfortable with (i.e on laptops, PDAs and Mobile phones). It somehow enhances the cool factor and removes the image of the industry as staid, conventional and old-world.

Topics for learning

Previously there were not many courses with ready made topics with e-learning providers. Typically, most e-learning service providers used to provide custom-made, bespoke learning packages to individual companies. While this approach had its benefits, the downside is, that the courses are suitable only for the company for which they were designed, leading to a very high cost per user, nullifying the low cost advantages of e-learning.

However, now newer companies like Abhisam Software have e-learning titles on topics that are suitable to many process industries. Examples include Hazardous Area Instrumentation and Gas Monitors. Since these are standard courses, they can be offered at a much lower cost than the earlier custom designed courses. Besides, if the number of learners is sufficiently large (say about 50 or more) then some degree of customization of these courses is also possible, again at a low cost.


Due to historical reasons, there has been a skill shortage in the industries and businesses, all over the world.

This skill shortage will only worsen, as seniors retire and not enough youngsters enter the workforce in large numbers.

If somehow more youngsters do enter the workforce in large numbers, the cost of training them, using the traditional training methods will be prohibitively expensive and unviable. Also not enough technical training personnel are available, to offer one-on one training.

Using newer education technologies like e-learning and m-learning, knowledge and expertise, can be imparted quickly and precisely, to those people whose skills need to be developed. This can be done at a fraction of the cost of traditional learning. Thus new recruits can be trained effectively.

Using standard topics and templates for learning, reduces the cost of the training further. Customization if required, however is always possible. In most cases, even with the cost of customization added, the total cost of training using these modern methods is lower than the cost of traditional training.

Additionally, e-learning provides managers with a way to track training remotely, because most e-learning systems will provide test scores, record time spent on each module or page, log the students activity and provide very detailed measurements, that can be used to improve the training. Traditional methods hardly provided any data, save for a feedback form at the end which students themselves filled in, which then lies forgotten in some dusty file, forever.

E-learning and m-learning does not mean merely reproduction of classroom training materials into soft copies and viewing them on a PC or a mobile. Companies like Abhisam Software provide e-learning that is media rich, with lots of pictures, Flash based animations (that simulate a process or show the working of a machine or a phenomenon), interactive simulations (that include the learner in the Flash exercises), real-life video clippings of events or procedures and online assessments. This kind of rich-media training is simply not comparable with the traditional classroom based training. The courses are designed with the help of several subject matter experts, Instructional designers, animation and user-interface experts.

Thus the worldwide shortage of skills can be addressed by using training to enhance workers' skills, cross train workers, enhance the skills of semi skilled workers or freshers. This is possible only if company managements focus their attention on effective e-learning and m-learning philosophies. It is by far the best solution to bridge the skills shortage and gain competitive advantage.

Sam Polniak works with Abhisam Software (, a provider of e-learning courses on various topics such as Hazardous Area Instrumentation (, Gas Monitors ( and RFID ( Blog15085
Antonella Blog93031

Powerful Flexibility With Rollback Rx

PC maintenance is a challenge for businesses today. Most corporations spend millions every month to keep their computers operational and running, constantly fixing computer problems and recovering lost data. They constantly encounter new viruses getting into their systems in spite of seemingly adequate prevention measures. Every time they update with new software patches, they have to be careful and prepared to fix computer issues if it goes wrong. More than anything else, they must be prepared for disaster recovery if there are network intrusions and identity thefts causing computers to crash indefinitely. The IT support is sometimes unable to identify the cause for such repairs. One way to avoid all this is by installing Rollback Rx, system restore software and the complete PC maintenance solution.

Protection Against Disasters

Just as better solutions are on the rise, so are new viruses, spyware and Trojans. Every computer is in danger of being infected. When a corporate network is involved the risk is exponentially high. The Rollback Rx software works as a perfect mate with antivirus software, totally compatible with it, to repair computer problems. Together, the two make a strong defense against virus attacks. But there are times when spyware comes disguised and anti virus programs may not detect them. In such cases, Rollback Rx is particularly useful because it helps to rollback any system to an earlier operational state, totally cleaning the computer of the suspect spyware. What would otherwise have meant several hours of downtime for the system is now reduced to something like three minutes per system. Almost every bit of data is recovered, with the remote possibility of a five per cent loss. And even if some systems are remotely located, Rollback Rx can still trouble shoot over a network.

Boon To Beta Testers

It is always a tricky thing to test new applications. Theres the risk of causing total failure. But with Rollback Rx as a safety net to fall back on, IT administrators can securely test new applications. If the deployment fails, with Rollback Rx, the system can be quickly rolled back to the point before the test was begun. It might have taken hours without Rollback, but with Rollback it only takes seconds to do a pc restore. This makes the risk of new application deployment low, with Rollback Rx.

Maintenance becomes a smooth operation with Rollback Rx. Unwanted software and spyware can be easily removed by doing a pc restore, thus allowing minimum chances of damage to the corporate network. With instant system restore, Rollback Rx software strengthens the capability of every PC.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Celia Blog67398
Aidan Blog61855

Buying Wedding Invitations? A Step By Step Guide To Saving Money And Getting What You Order

Wedding invitations can be ordered in several different ways. You can order your invitations online or in a stationery shop. You can also find a company that customizes your invitations based on your theme and style of your wedding. Choosing the perfect wedding invitation can be a daunting task. Making sure that the invitation wording is correct is essential. Many brides have had to reorder their wedding invitations because they made a mistake when entering their information during the ordering process.

Choosing your invitations

12 months before your wedding day

I like to have my brides order their invitations on the internet. There are several advantages to ordering online. The biggest is that you have the ability to preview your invitations with your customized text before you place your order. As soon as you have reserved your wedding date and location send your save-the-date announcements.

Ordering your wedding invitations

Six months before wedding day

Spend the money to order a sample, many times I have found that brides base their opinion on the picture from the internet. The images on a website do not tell you the thickness of paper or the color of the invitation details. Dont forget to order the thank you cards, wedding programs, reception and response cards.

Tip: Be careful when choosing your font, not all fancy script is easy to read.

Order a proof of the invitation.

This can delay your order for up to a week, but the satisfaction of knowing that you can edit or proof the wording on your invitations is well worth it.

Track your order

Make sure that where you order your invitations that website has the ability to give you a confirmation email and tracking number for your order. You will then get an email with when you invitations ship.

Written by Kim Lapp, owner and web designer for Kim has owned Sandstone Invitations, an online wedding invitations company, since 1999.Ashla Blog50406
Ajay Blog84400

How To Treat Vertigo

Vertigo is a disease which manifests sudden postural imbalance and dizziness. The person may suddenly feel the symptoms but will get back to their normal state after the episode of vertigo. However vertigo is a serious disease as it increases the risk factor for some of the serious disorders such as strokes and tumors. There are different types of vertigo such as peripheral vertigo, objective vertigo and central vertigo, hence, the treatment of the vertigo is a necessity as it may lead to severe imbalance problems.

The treatment strategy for vertigo is decided based on the diagnostic results which should show the cause of the disease. The disease is usually treated symptomatically since it will help to reduce the severity of manifestations. The problem is in the inner ear, which includes dislocation of calcium crystals and infections such as Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV) and can be treated with certain exercises such as physical maneuvers. However, brain damage or cardiac problems are more serious and hence have to be treated very carefully.

The drugs for the treatment of vertigo can be administrated orally, through intravenous injections or patches in the skin. In case of any bacterial infections, antibiotics are preferred to stop the further complications. Meclizine hydrochloride, Diphenhydramine, Promethazine Hydrochloride, Diazepam and Scopolamine transdermal patch are some of the commonly used for the treatment of vertigo.

Particle repositioning maneuver is a specific treatment for vertigo caused by mis-positioning of calcium carbonate crystals. In the treatment the head has to be moved in such a manner to reposition the crystals and to give relief from the symptoms of imbalance.

The exercises for vestibular rehabilitation are also used as remedy for vertigo in which the patient repeatedly undergoes the position change from lying state to sitting and vice versa. This is repeated until the patient has recovered completely and most often, the recurrence of the disease will not occur.

In serious cases, surgery in the inner eye to insert a plug is recommended to overcome the disorder. It has high success rate and only 5% of people have to repeat the treatment.

Alternative medicines also suggest many effective treatments for vertigo. Poppy seeds, dates and citrus fruits are recommended as good remedies for vertigo. Herbal supplements and specific treatments are also included in treatment.

Rest is the immediate solution to vertigo, as soon as the symptoms are felt. Use of a cane is also sometime necessary to retain steadiness and balance. A patient with a tendency for vertigo must be extremely careful to adjust their movements at a slow pace.

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health - for more articles.Carmela Blog63437
Astrix Blog50079

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