Wednesday, January 30, 2008

To Live Is To Work?

I guess too many people are really working hard enough to make a living. And in order to live, one should really have to take the pitfall of going to work. This life's instance is a painstaking reality for most us. It's a daily struggle, an everyday human living's obstacles. And yet, we have no other choice but to just follow the flow.

But how if you landed into a job that you don't really like to do? Well, it's a personal issue someone has to think deeply and get a remedy.

Living in the modern days always has an equivalent price amount. Good location, great nature's view, peaceful community, commuter's accessibilities, interesting activities outside, and even good-looking people walking around you, just name it -- these are what you have to pay for living in such a conditional benefits of life. Wherever you go, you'll be haunted to pull something out from your wallet, right? Living a good life is too pricy these days, I can tell.

Sometimes we're gonna ask ourselves a big why?

Why do we need to get out and work there, and why can't we just sit down and relax here in the comfort of our home? Well, I guess this is an indolent's perception, totally a negative point of view. We want to live, so therefore we have to work. That's basic as it is.

People have a lot of stories to share in terms of sentimental stresses at work. Whether that maybe caused by the road traffic condition, distance, cruel management, fuel hikes, work environment, wage issues, or simply just a work ethic disorder. In effect, our attitudes changed, we got short-tempered patience and frustrated about what we're doing regularly. In my case, I fall in 2 major complaints. The distance and the wage (of course!). Geeesh, it's hard to be away from your family. Can you imagine sleeping overnight in the row seats at the airport terminal just to wait for the opening of the next train service? Then walk for another quarter of a mile, crawling up to that highland village. But hey, come on, I need a job here!

Getting sicked and tired of doing your work is just a plain bad habit. A state of mind's regression, and that could never really ease down the troublesome. Instead, find a better solution. Why not complain and just strive to move on your life with confidence? Well, if you want, take a short stop at the gas station and buy a ticket or two of lotto. Who knows maybe next week, you're cruising into that isle of traffic with pockets full of gold. And maybe that what's you called it - a struck of 'luck'.

Enlightening passage: "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:18-21 NIV)

Hmmm.. still, I hate Mondays.

Al Maerina is a professional I.T. Consultant and a freelance web developer/designer. He maintains his own website,, which he concluded as an "alternative paradigm included" - an alternative website for every novice and beyond. Part of his extra-curricular works other than doing design/development on the web and sports activities, he is enthusiast to write his own article based on life's experiences and beliefs. Andra Blog57167
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